April 19, 2013

Zelda 3DS: Master Sword

A recent article pointed out things we "may not have noticed" in the gameplay trailer for Zelda 3DS:

The only one of those that I felt was worth mentioning was the fact that we can see two different swords being used. (Though the fact that you can hit Green Chus with your sword is cool, I already noticed that, and it's not really that big a deal unless you're making a comparison between this and ALTTP.)

In the trailer, we see both a sword with a brown hilt and a sword with a blue hilt. The first is obviously either a wooden or bronze sword, most likely the first you get...but the second is most likely the Master Sword. This, of course, carries a lot of implications with it. After all, how many games have had the Master Sword without having Ganon/Ganondorf in them? One. Skyward Sword. And this one hardly counts, since Demise is basically the spirit that gets reborn in Ganondorf.

But there's something I want to consider: what if the "Master Sword = Ganondorf in plot" equation is due to change? I mean, I highly doubt it, seeing as the Zelda series is prone to repetition as far as the main villain's concerned...but Skyward Sword makes me slightly hopeful. Demise's demise left us with the truth that the villains in Zelda are all renditions of this evil, continually plaguing Hyrule out of this curse. So why shouldn't the Master Sword be used to stop other villains? Surely someone else could get the Triforce of Power and use it in the same way as Ganondorf.

Zelda 3DS, seeing as it is a sequel of ALTTP, is the least likely to start breaking from the formula, however. The Decline Timeline is pretty much all about getting Ganon sealed away and making him stay that way. While this timeline does include journeys outside of Hyrule and without Ganon, the Master Sword is not being used in these (it's not a plot point in the Oracles, so it doesn't count--and Ganon is in them anyway, once you link them). So it's very likely that another game in this timeline won't change this.

But I really think it's something Nintendo needs to consider, especially since seeing the Master Sword in trailers makes the fans automatically jump to the conclusion that Ganondorf will be the villain.

More gameplay:

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